Friday, July 27, 2007

What makes us happy?

I was having lunch with a friend who is a playwright, and not a Christian. He remarked on the way that I have become a happier person over the last five or so years, and this has contributed to his theory of the two things people require to be happy:
  • A clear sense of values and living a life in accordance with it
  • Having something in life to look forwards to
This is of course my summary of a longer conversation, and may not fully reflect the depth of his thought. When I considered further, I would place the source of my happiness as coming from similar, but distinctly different places.
  • Being comfortable in your own skin
  • Having a place in the world
For me, both of these are only available through Christ.

It is through Christ that we have the gift of forgiveness for ourselves and others and, as we were told on Monday, "releasing us from the fear of our history." Our relationship with God both brings us peace and something to live for. What is scary for me is that my place in the world seems to be that of the nomad.

What makes you happy?

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