Sunday, July 29, 2007

An amazing few days

This may not be my most coherent post, but this one is as much for me as anything. I've just been lying in bed with thoughts rushing through my head, so lets see how we go.

I am amazed by the places that ministry takes us, the privileged, private places that we are allowed into by the people around us.

The first place I visited was that of a desert, speaking with a lady who has worshipped at the same congregation for 17 years, but still does not feel like she belongs. I can only pray at the moment, there is not only a great need for her to forgive, but also a lot needs to be forgiven.

The other place was that of great celebration. Two of my friends needed to get married in January for visa reasons, but also wished a ceremony for their friends and family. As they did not wish a specifically church wedding, I was able to help them when they asked. In the planning progress, I still was able to keep God as a small part of the service and they graciously allowed me a Bible reading, some short words of advice, and a prayer at the end.

What really surprised me was the lack of pressure. I was not marrying these people (even in a hypothetical where I was acting as a legal celebrant), they were marrying each other, in addition I believe that any gifts given by me are given through Christ. Thus I was merely a facilitator, a friend not only offering to help their day smoothly but also helping them in crafting and giving vows to each other. This was easy, I've sorta got used to going in front of people and saying words of faith. What is not so easy is now realising that I hold a special place in these people's lives by my connection with such a special event. The gifts I have been given have been used and thus passed on, but the glory needs to go to the giver rather than the vessel.

How can we do this better? Perhaps I need to stop thinking of witness in instantaneous terms and think in terms of the opportunity for witness long-term that this has drawn me into.

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