Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A note of caution...

Sometimes you need a bit of forewarning about where your ideas might take you...

I tried out the children's talk last weekend, but the congregation was only small.

When I was handing the drinks out to the children, one said "Why don't you give a drink to everyone?"

Suddenly even those people who did not like lemonade were asking for an empty glass, or a half one.

Who would think saying a prayer of thanks over a drink and then consuming it together would be so precious?

Ooops, I forgot what eucharist means (prayer of thanks). After our moment together, and me not giving people long enough to reflect, the rest of the service seemed like an anticlimax, like me coming on to sing a solo Rolf Harris medley after a U2 concert.

I wanted people to see the sacred in the everyday, but you can't do that without touching God and being changed.

After all the fun we've had about the use of dealcoholised wine at the Eucharist at college, I wonder what they'd think of lemonade! After all, its not about what we do but the recognition of what God has done and continues to do.

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