Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Week two - the story continues

Another week, and the gardens continue developing. For my part, I installed a drip irrigation system. This is more efficient than a spray system and did a good job for my vegies up here last year.

We have solid growth on the early risers, some are putting out their first differentiated (or "true") leaves.

The peas are new-comers this week. They come up almost like a spear, and rapidly grow their new leaves. As their seed is bigger, they have a much more robist approach to early development.
The key negative issue of the sieved garden relative to the "no-dig" method is rapidly appearing, there are small sprouts appearing everywhere. Until the desirable plants get stronger, it is too dangerous to disturb the soil to remove the weeds.

The "No-dig" bed
As you can see, the degradation in the no-dig bed continued this week. In fact, it has got to the stage where I planted seedlings in this bed in the evening. The layer under the top mulch is deep brown and rather free flowing. In fact, it collapsed in so readily that putting the seedlings in felt like plugging them into a socket.
The winter solstice has now passed, looking forward to a bit more sunshine (even up here in the tropics)

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