Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Week three

Week Three - The greening continues

We have transplanted some peas and beans into the garden this week, thinking the seeds had failed to germinate. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that a couple of days later, some seeds started to push through. The peas come up like a spear, the beans looking as if the shell of the seed is used as a crash helmet to push through the soil. The carrots have started to appear now, too.

The first plants were put in the no-dig garden a week ago, with a second planting of peas also put in. In the laundry, we have seen the first two tomato seeds germinate. We have planted a variety of herbs in this bed, and also have planted some red onions, who are currently suffering due to their planting mix not really attaching to their roots.
I do like the way this garden self-mulches, but it does mean you can only plant seedlings.
Just a picture of the herb tubs (now cleaned up) between the two garden beds.

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