Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Week Seven- Production in process

As you can see, the soil garden has had a particularly large amount of growth over the last few weeks. One batch of radishes have been eaten (evenly shared between my wife and the possum's brief experimentation). The parsley is delicious and the chinese brocolli will be ready for harvest next week. There are peas on a few of the struggling transplanted vines, but the seed-grown are still developing strongly. We also have a couple of unexpected tomatoes springing up and a rogue mizuna between the plots.
The no-dig bed was planted later, but still some of the plants are thriving. However, the bed density is too low for the drip watering system to be totally effective, it needs supplimental watering.
Please also note the labrador-resistant fencing.. we'll have to see how it goes with Bumbles.

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