Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Theology with the kids

I recently took a question box into a class of fifty Grade 4/5 students that I teach each week. These are the questions that get put in the box: see how you go, maybe they'll make you think as hard as I have...

Why is the Dead Sea filled with salt?

You are 46 years old (statement - stop laughing Josie!)

When did you first start believing in God?

Are you strong and brave?

Who is God?/What is God?/ Is God an animal or a person?/Is God a spirit?/Is God clouds?

What does God do?

Where does God live?

Was God the first person in the world?

Did God come to earth like magic?

How do we know God is real?

How does God help us?

Where is God's family?

Where was Jesus' family?

What is God's favourite thing to do?

Would God be proud of the way we're living?

What did God do first?

How did God die?

Why didn't people believe in God when Jesus talked about him?

Why did Eve take the apple off the tree?

When will Jesus come back to the earth?

How much longer will the earth be here?

Is it true that aliens are going to attack?

What is your favourite question?

What is your answer to it?